Debt Management Plan and Debt Service Reports


Debt Management Plan

Each year, the Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission issues the State's debt management plan which provides a five-year projection of the State of Georgia’s general obligation and guaranteed revenue bond issuances and the debt service requirements for all outstanding debt and projected new debt issuances.

Debt Service Reports

The following schedules, which are updated monthly, indicate outstanding debt service for the State of Georgia's general obligation bonds and the State Road and Tollway Authority's guaranteed revenue bonds. For dates other than the end of a fiscal year (June 30), the current fiscal year will show only the debt service remaining to be paid in that fiscal year after payment of all debt service from July 1 through the date of the report.

(Note: "Outstanding Debt Service" schedules includes both General Obligation Bonds and Guaranteed Revenue Bonds)

Related Files


Current Year Reports

Prior Year Reports