Paul Shelton Honored by Governor

Photo of Paul Shelton

Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission engineer Paul Shelton was awarded the Governor’s Commendation for Excellence in Customer Service during ceremonies at the historic Freight Depot on Thursday, April 28th.

The Governor’s Office of Customer Service (OCS) honors a handful of the most outstanding teams and individuals for their work each quarter. These awards represent those employees with the best customer service that Georgia has to offer in the areas of courteous, helpful, accessible, knowledgeable and responsive service.

Shelton, a senior structural engineer, received his commendation for his outstanding dedication to community and mankind by volunteering his services in Haiti in the aftermath of the deadly earthquake. Shelton was answering a call from a PeachtreeCity and Fayetteville church that supports a orphanage in Haiti. The building was damaged and the children were afraid to enter and sleeping outside until an expert could determine it to be safe or in need of repair.

He travelled with a small group of volunteers, including a medical team, and was able to inspect the orphanage, as well as several other buildings in the region, offering his expertise on what repairs were needed.

Shelton’s first-hand account of his experience was published in Georgia Engineering.

The engineer has offered his expertise locally as well, assisting Centennial Olympic Park after a tornado struck in March 2008 and Hancock State Prison following a February 2009 tornado.

“We at GSFIC are proud to nominate Paul Shelton. Not only does Paul serve the State of Georgia, but he is willing to serve mankind in the highest form of customer service by giving freely and without hesitation to those in dire need,” said GSFIC’s Robert Buscemi, the design review team’s manager.